Best videos on consumer rights by secondary school students

As part of numerous promotional activities, the aim of which is to make the public better acquainted with consumer rights, Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade and the Twinning project "Reinforcement of consumer protection in Serbia as  a Response to the New Market Challenges" organized a competition for high school students in Serbia called "Get to know your consumer rights". This activity was carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, which welcomed the initiative of the project.

On September 1, 2022, a competition for high school students was announced on the website of the ministry, in which a video clip on the subject of consumer rights had to be submitted. The competition was open until September 30, 2022, and the office of the Twinning project received 22 applications. All applications were in order with complete supporting documentation and in accordance with the Competition Terms.

The video works were evaluated by a five-member committee consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Education, the Consumer Protection Association, the twinning project team, and film and theater arts. The commission evaluated the works according to the criteria - compatibility of the theme of the video, creativity of the video, quality of the video and aesthetic/artistic effects of the video.

Seven schools were invited to the award ceremony, two of which received the main awards, i.e. first and second place, and five schools received special recognition awards. Student teams are adequately rewarded. The award ceremony for the best video works took place in Hall 2 of the Belgrade Fair on Tuesday, October 25, 2022.

Special awards were given to the students of Vocational High School "4. juli" from Vrbas for the compatibility of the video's theme, authenticity and expression of the real life situation, the School for Visually Impaired Students "Veljko Ramadanović" from Belgrade for creativity and pointing out the problems faced by citizens with visual impairments in exercising their consumer rights, Grammar and professional school "Dositej Obradović" from Novi Kneževac, for the compatibility of the video's theme, i.e. providing relevant information and a practical example, Secondary School "Đura Jakšić" from Srpska Crnja for creativity, artistic performance and aesthetic impressions and Technical School "Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn" from Novi Now for creativity, artistic performance and aesthetic impressions.

The students of the School of Economics and Trade from Paraćin won the second prize, while the main prize and the first place of the contest for the best video clip on the subject of consumer rights were won by the students of the "Živorad Janković" Grammar School from Novi Sad.

The awarded videos are available at

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09